Bumble Bees

Bumble Bees

2YRS to 3YRS

The “Bumble bees” classroom is designed for curious children who are on the move. The classroom space provides an opportunity for dramatic play and role playing and group story time. High quality toys and other interesting materials provide the resources for children to build, create, experiment, and learn.


Skills That Children Will Learn

Teachers take physical and verbal indications from toddlers in order to develop “real world” projects, allowing children to explore their surroundings in a meaningful way.  Children are exposed to emergent literacy, music, art, dramatic play, sensory, motor-development, science, nature, and pre-math experiences on a regular basis through project work. Educational experiences are designed to be age-appropriate and personally challenging.

  • Social Skills
  • Self-Help Skills
  • Cognitive Skills
  • Communication
  • Gross Motor Skills
  • Fine Motor Skills

How to Enroll Your Child?

Bee-a-student at The Beehive
Call Us 088 BEEHIVE


The Beehive All rights reserved. Axiomthemes